Business and Patriotism

I scheduled the below post a couple of months ago before Coronavirus. To date, three of my clients have had to close their businesses by mandate of the state. Many other clients have been significantly impacted by the shutdowns and slowdowns.

Regardless, we need the vision and drive of small-business owners and entrepreneurs to bring creativity and ingenuity to our adjusted way of life. Despite the shutdowns, despite more and more governmental restrictions, we are Americans with dreams of economic freedom and success. Dream on!

Mary Kay Ash - American Dream.png

Mary Kay Ash writes in her book The Mary Kay Way:

"The pride we feel for our work and our Company is similar to that which we feel for our country. We are proud to be Americans, and we are proud to let everyone know it.

"Several years ago in his closing remarks at one of our annual Seminars, my son Richard verbalized our patriotism this way:

"'Over the years, I have given many Mary Kay speeches related to our free enterprise system. I feel our free enterprise system is important because without it you would not be here. I would not be speaking. Mary Kay would not exist. And the Mary Kay dream would never have become a reality.

"'Free enterprise means different things to different people. To me it means individual liberty, which implies individual economic freedom, as envisioned by our founding fathers. The earliest leaders of this nation were determined to set up a free citizenry rooted in the natural law of supply and demand with minimal state and federal interference. They envisioned the right of every one to succeed to fail according to his or her own initiative, drive, and ability. Since that original dream of our founding fathers, we've come a long way as a nation. We've become much more sophisticated. We have grown and capitalized on the free enterprise system, and we have established a standard of living never before known to mankind.'"

Want to read more? Refer to Chapter 14 of her book The Mary Kay Way.

How has our free enterprise system helped you own and operate your business?

Read my book review here.




Independence Day