Remember … Breathe!

Tax Season - Breathe

My tax software froze. And as I sit here waiting for my PC to reboot, it dawned on me that this week is really April 15. (Yes, I know what a calendar is, but sometimes reality doesn't dawn on you right away.)

While the tax deadline is now May 17, 2021, I was hoping I could still finish everything by April 15. Today reality hit: it's not going to happen.

Here's another piece of reality: There were four major bills passed between 3/27/2020 and 3/11/2021. Each one of these bills affected individuals and businesses.

  • The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act

  • Families First Coronavirus Relief Act (FFCRA)

  • The Consolidated Appropriations Act

  • The American Rescue Plan

As I take a mental step back from the details and just look at the overall picture, I see an out-of-control response to the actual problem.

The bird's-eye perspective is enlightening.

This last year has been journey of challenges and constant changes. Why would I not be behind?

Well ... my PC has long ago rebooted. Now I'm heading back into the weeds of tax details. But this brief retrospection helped me catch my breath.


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